Sunday, May 18, 2014

How to change Android x86 screen resolution

At Android x86 boot menu entry(the first item in the following image), press E

Press E again

Arrive at this screen

press Space, and input vga=ask, then press Enter

Press B here

Press Enter here

There're many resolutions in the following image, you can't use the resolutions with suffix x32 or black screen after booting Android x86. So the best choice is using resolution with suffix x16. My screen resolution is 1280x1024, I'll find 1280x1024x16, it's in the center of the following image, it marked as y 336 1280x1024x16. Now you see the last line in the following image, ask you enter resolution, if you want 1280x1024x16, input y or 336 then press Enter.

If you are sure you'll use 1280x1024x16 everytime you boot Android, remember 336 stands for 1280x1024x16 in above image, then input vga=0x336 at the step in the 4th image in this article, then press Enter then press B, it will boot Android in 1280x1024x16.

If you don't wanna input vga=0x336 everytime, you must modify the Android boot option of GRUB and add vga=0x336, afterwards it will automatically boot Android in 1280x1024x16 everytime.

Press left Alt and F1 to go to console. You'll see some text from top left corner, the end of the last line writes /dev/sda1, it means my Android installed at /dev/sda1 in harddisk. What partition is your Android installed in? investigate yourself.

At the step in above image, I found my Android installed in /dev/sda1 in harddisk, I'll use mount command to mount /dev/sda1 but write /dev/block/sda1 for /dev/sda1 in mount command.
Mount command needs an empty folder as mount point, run mkdir /data/fs in console to create an empty folder for using in mount command.
My Android filesystem is ext3, run mount -t ext3 /dev/block/sda1 /data/fs in console to mount the partition in where Android is installed.
Then modify the Android boot option of GRUB to add vga=0x336, run vi /data/fs/grub/menu.lst in console.

Now editing boot menu option. Press down arrow to go to the line including kernel of first boot menu entry, then press End to go to the end of that line.

Press I, then press right arrow, then press Space, then input vga=0x336

Press Esc, then input :wq(bottom left corner in the following image), then press Enter to quit editing.

At last, run reboot in console, it will automatically boot Android in 1280x1024x16 from now on.

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